If you're creating a WordPress site or renovating an existing one, selecting the ideal WordPress theme is crucial. The perfect piece for your website can be challenging among the thousands of WordPress themes available.
I had previously discussed several fundamentals to consider when selecting a WordPress theme.
So I will discuss how to select themes from ThemeForest, one particular theme marketplace, in this post.
In this article, I'll provide seven pointers on choosing the best themes on ThemeForest.
Before making your final pick and installing your new WordPress theme, you'll discover the best technique to search for articles and the checkboxes you should place before them.
Here's how to search ThemeForest for a good theme:
1. Identify Appropriate Topics Using Search Filters
Almost 11,000 WordPress themes are available on ThemeForest as of the time of writing this article.
That implies that trying to identify the ideal theme is difficult on par with seeking a needle in a haystack. So, utilizing filters is advised unless you want to look run by all 11,000+ articles, which I wonder if we would gladly do.
Here is how you do it:
Navigate to the category for WordPress. Then, apply tags, and any other criteria you believe are crucial to your search by using the filters on the left. You can also reorder the results by using the Sort options located above the results:
After adding some filters, you can use the search box to look for something in particular among the results:
Using this technique, you can focus the findings on identifying appropriate themes for your needs.
However, finding a theme with a design you like is just the beginning of your theme-purchasing adventure. You should evaluate its quality to ensure that it truly is the finest alternative for your WordPress site.
2. Examine the theme's review score
You may rapidly assess a theme's caliber using the public Item Ratings available for each piece on ThemeForest. It's a terrific place to start, but there are other things you should consider.
Look for the Item Rating box in the right sidebar to see how a theme is rated:
You must consider the number of ratings in addition to the actual rating. For instance, occasionally, you'll come across a theme with a 5-star rating, but that rating is based on just one or two reviews.
A tiny sample size isn't necessarily a bad indicator, even though it isn't bad. There must be at least 10+ reviews for the rating to be meaningful. A theme is more trustworthy if it has a high rating distributed over a vast number of votes, which indicates that many people have supported it.
So what constitutes a good rating?
You should look for a theme with at least a 4.5-star rating after browsing through many of the possibilities on ThemeForest. Most high-quality and well-liked themes have ratings considerably over that threshold. For instance:
• 4.77 stars for Avada
• X Theme received 4.75 stars.
• Enfold: 4.84 out of 5 stars
• Kalium: 4.92 out of 5 stars
3. For more information, read the comments.
The Item Rating of a theme helps make a snap decision because it is only a single number. Yet because it's so straightforward, anyone can add their ideas.
The remarks alter that. See feedback from those using the theme already; contemplating adopting the theme.
The developer's responses are also visible, which is much better and provides a decent picture of the kind of assistance you can expect if you buy the theme.
Click on the Comments link in the right sidebar to see comments on a theme:
Pay close attention to the labels since they let you determine the following:
• Who has purchased the theme;
• Which accounts are associated with the team of theme developers?
4. Examine the theme's sales numbers.
When in doubt, following the advice of the masses is frequently a wise choice! If you notice thousands of other people purchasing a theme, it is probably a good sign that the music is at least passable.
You can always see how well-liked a theme is simply looking at the Sales box in the right sidebar because ThemeForest makes all of its sales data available to the public:
The number of sales should be one of many factors in buying. Yet, if you're on the fence, gauging a theme's caliber by how well-liked it is can be helpful. Additionally, it ensures that the developer will keep releasing updates.
5. Verify the theme's most recent update date
The WordPress core is constantly evolving. You risk having usability and security issues if your theme needs to be updated more frequently to keep up with those changes.
Because of this, you should always ensure that your chosen theme is updated frequently.
How did you find out that? Just have a peek at the right sidebar, as you expected. ThemeForest includes the Last Updated date for each theme.
There is no hard and fast rule, but I prefer that the theme had at least one update in the previous six months.
6. Check Theme Check To See Whether The Theme Has Been Tested.
You can use the free website Theme Check to understand how well-written a theme's code is. It carries out automated tests based on WordPress.org theme standards as part of the workflow of the WordPress.org Theme Review Team.
You may either:
• Look for a theme to see if anyone has previously reviewed its source code
• Upload a ZIP file of the theme to perform the review yourself.
You won't be able to upload the ZIP file since I advise you to do this before buying a theme. But you can still look up the article by name in the hopes that somebody else has already performed the check:
So rely on these outcomes sparingly. It's incredibly typical for ThemeForest themes to fail because they aren't required to adhere to WordPress.org standards. Theme Check is a technical tool created to verify pieces against WordPress.org standards (not Envato's requirements).
As a result, even while it's ideal for a theme to comply with WordPress.org and Envato's requirements, if your preferred music passes all the other tests, you shouldn't let a low Theme Check score deter you from buying it.
7. Experiment with the theme's demo website.
If you've read this far, you've visited the demo site for your selected theme. But perhaps you ought to have looked more intently.
That is, focus on something other than the theme's appearance. Investigate, examine the theme's minute styling options, and experiment with its crucial features.
Developers frequently include several sample pages, and you can usually reach them via menu drop-downs:
See these sample pages to understand how your entire website will be laid out.
You should be okay to click the Purchase Now button if you still adore all the minor details and your selected theme has passed all the other evaluations.
Last Words on Purchasing A Theme From ThemeForest
Using these guidelines, you can select a theme that looks amazing and works effectively. Your WordPress website will be ready for success with both aesthetics and functionality!
Do you have any more suggestions for selecting a theme from ThemeForest? Comment below and let us know!