Utilize Divi? If you do, you probably already know that Elegant Themes' flagship theme has been waiting for a significant update. Over the past few months, Elegant Themes has teased us with posts about upcoming features and enhancements.
It's finally time to share the update everyone has been waiting to see. Here is an exclusive preview of everything you will receive in Divi 2.4, ready for publication. Let's explore what's available.
Introducing the Improved Theme Customizer.
The most recent update includes a significant improvement to the theme customizer—one of the most feature-rich customizers I've ever seen. Let's examine the new features of Divi 2.4's theme customizer.
setting the general theme
The options for layout and typography can be found under "General Settings." There are options to select the website's sidebar, content, and gutter widths. The section ad row heights are also up for selection.
You can choose the text styles for the body and header in the typography options. It is also possible to set the font style of the title to bold, italic, underlined, etc.
Footer Section
You may choose the footer layout and background using an intriguing new feature in the "Footer" section. Additionally, the footer's social media link styles, credit text styles, widget body text styles, and header styles are all editable.
Specific Tablet and Phone Designs
This is a brand-new feature added to the theme customizer. You can select particular styles for mobile and tablet devices in this section. You can choose a specific area and row height, body text size, header text size, header background colour, header text colour, and other options for each device.
Various Button Designs
You will always have customization options when using Divi 2.4. Even a separate section for button customization is available. The text size, styles, background colour, border styles, radius, icon placement, hover styles, and button icons can all be customized. If you are familiar with CSS, you can apply your button styling by including your CSS.
new and distinctive navigation options
You will also discover many additional navigation options in the theme customizer. Valuable features like fixed logo and header on scroll, centred inline logo, translucent background colour, custom logo height, link styles for primary and secondary navigation, and background and text colour for drop-down menus may all be accessed by utilizing these settings.
The navigation logo's height, size, colour, and background may all be set to a fixed value if you so choose.
Divi Library: A Brand-New Experience
The Divi Library is yet another brand-new feature from Divi 2.4. This is only a technical expansion of the layout-saving capability that already exists. Yet, realistically speaking, this will completely alter how you create new websites.
You may store layouts, sections, rows, and modules in the new Divi library. New units, rows, and modules may be added and edited directly from the library. Filtering the stored items by name, kind, and category is possible. The components may be exported and imported to and from other websites in addition to being accessible through the page builder.
Moreover, you will have the option to make any library piece global. You can create a section, row, or module and add the element to the other layouts using this functionality. All connected arrangements are immediately updated when a global part is changed.
Alternatives for New Builders
Another significant development for the new Divi theme is this. If you like the theme's current builder interface, you'll love the new one even more. The new builder is more intuitive than ever and adheres to a more material design philosophy.
If you've ever wanted, you could directly regulate how far apart specific components are; the new Divi update makes that fantasy a reality. For the whole site or certain areas, you may set section padding, row padding, module padding, module margins, row-column spacing, and row width.
Choices for New Rows
Divi's most recent release has several new choices for the rows. Adjusting column structures, making rows full-width, selecting the width, column spacing, and the backdrop image/colour/video for the rows are a few intriguing choices. Equalizing column heights and selecting custom column padding are other options.
New Modules?
There are various new modules in Divi 2.4. The most popular and in-depth of them is the full-screen header module. Any browser window will function with the full-screen module. Any of the 24 different module configurations is available for selection.
Several components can be found in the header layouts, such as the logo, title, subtitle, text content, header image, background image, background video, background colour overlay, parallax background image, CTA buttons, etc.
Full-width picture, full-width code, standard code, full-width post/page title, and regular post/page title are other intriguing modules.
Consider a Post Builder.
Indeed, a specific post-builder is included with Divi 2.4. You may alter the appearance of your posts by using the post builder. Showing or concealing the page title, meta description, and featured picture are helpful choices. Moreover, you may choose any full-width or sidebar layout.
Choices for Advanced Modules
This version prioritizes giving users additional module customization options and expanding the number of available modules. With this version, you may customize each module's margin, padding, text, colour, and button styles.
Also, the custom CSS option is quite helpful if you don't like the default settings. You may modify each module to your needs by utilizing this capability.
Grid Fluid
With this Divi upgrade, Elegant Themes has wholly recorded the grid structure. Using the fully flexible theme layout, you may choose your preferred content width, column spacing, sidebar width, etc. Desktop, mobile, and tablet devices will all operate flawlessly with the fluid grid style.
What do you think?
Phew! That was a lengthy list of characteristics. Elegant Themes could have created a new theme with this many interesting new features. Instead, they opted to make the Divi theme a household name. And with this report, they have made progress towards that aim.
How do you feel? Are the new features up to your standards? Comment below and let me know.